(His birthday is tomorrow, so I'm letting him do the drawing; He'll be 15!!!)
Ok, so here's the scoop:
Since my birthday was this past week and I love presents SO MUCH, I wanted to give a little "present" to someone! Here's a picture of what I am giving away:

It includes a variety of images (Magnolias, accessoires, Bellas & some Stampin' Up ones), some tag paper, some brads and some chipboard accessories. To get in the drawing, this is what you need to do:
1. Become a follower & leave a comment on this post (those already following only need to leave a comment) - this will get your name in the drawing once.
2. After you become a follower, if you post a link to my blog candy on your blog (or put it in your sidebar), or if you don't have a blog, e-mail your friends to check it out, then leave a second comment on this blog that you've done this - this will get you an additional chance at the drawing.
THEN, I have another surprise for the first person to guess my "magical" number (oh, that means my *age*). All the items in the blog candy are of this same quantity. This person will receive a surprise that I've created and some images that I'll stamp for them!
Drawing will be held on Sunday, September 20th at 2:00pm.
How FUN!! Hope you had a wonderful Birthday!! Sorry I deleted that last comment. It was actually ME, Kris, but I forgot I was still logged into my sister's account to help her with her blog! LOL.
I will go post this right now on my blog =0) But please don't count me in to win... I'd really love for someone else to win it as I've already been so blessed by you--THANK YOU for all the images & gifts you're already sent!!
Now about that age!! Hmmmm, I say 24, yup! It's gotta be that! =0)
Hello Helen: I'm already a follower of your wonderful blog:)
I'm guessing your magic number is 37!!!
Hi Helen,
congrats on your birthday, I'm now a follower!
Hi Helen,
I have linked your candy on my sidebar!
oh, guess de magical number is quite difficult but I can say you look like 34 yo.
Hugs 'n kisses Helen
I love your "guess what's mine #" game!
Again showers of happiness 4U
;P and greedy me :) I'll try to win my second chance
here's a link to your blog: http://wikkori.blogspot.com/2009/09/urodzinowe-candy.html
I cannot believe it! So far I've counted 14+29+23+30... 96 is not an option here, isn't it? So..
..I guess it will be your 30th B-Day, is that right, Helen?
Hi! I voting for 37! You are already favorited! I know a good blog when I see it.
Sharon L
WOW!! thanks so much for the chance to win.. I am crossing everything I have that I win.. :) I also became a follower.. I really like your blog.. and posted on my blog also
for your age.. I am going to guess 36ish.. LOL :)
I just found your blog its great and Happy Birthday Since I really dont know you yet Ill guess on your age 35 ,That how old I am .But Im now a follower and Im putting you on my side bar .Thanks you for the chance to win Hugs Sarah makeacard@yahoo.com
I have become a follower and added a link in my blog. Thanks for the chance to win and my guess would be 37.
Hugs, Line
I have become a follower and don't know how to add a link to my blog.
I am guessing 40 but only by counting stuff cause you don't look a day over 25. You look so young. Would love to win these goodies.
My age guess is 34. Hey your blog says the date is Sept 20 and it is Sept 13. lol.
Happy 39th (look too young to be this old) Birthday!!! Love your site
i really love all your cards, they are just sooooo cute.
Hi Helen ! I'm going to sign up to become a follower right now ! And then go post a link on my blog ... And oh, let me see ... using my guessin ... I would guess 37 is the magical number !
OK ... I've done as commanded ! :) Thank you so much for the opp for some yummy!
Hi Helen~~HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I am a follower of your blog and have linked your candy to my sidebar :-) Thanks for the chance of winning those cute images---Just love them but don't have any yet. As far as age~~when you stated magical it makes me think over thirty~~ your blog states 36 so I will say 37.
Good luck to all and God Bless
Mary Lou
Hi Helen, thank you for you lovely coment on my blog!!:) I think then inside you have 20 years- because you are ... you looks like young lady... - because we in God looks like that:):)...I'm sorry for my English:)
hi I added you to my side bar :) Hope youhad a wonderful Birthday!!! I'm going to guess 36. Love the cherries!
Happy Birthday Helen! I've become a follower. Thanks for the chance for your b-day candy!
Hi again..I've linked your b-day candy to my sidebar and I'm guessing you're going to be 37 since your profile says 36. Have a great day!!
Hi! I`m your follower now and my link is
Age - I think 25)
I just became a follower and this is a cute site! I am taking a guess---- 37 ?? Thanks for letting me drop in and look at your great work! Carol M in TX / carolswingster77@aol.com
I am new at the blog world but hoping this link goes to my new blog: http://www.stampn4scraps.blogspot.com Thanks again! Carol M in TX
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