Hello to those of you who are still connected to and reading my greatly lacking blog! I apologize that it's been so long since I've done anything and that my posts are so far apart! I've been dealing with a lot of things lately, from a teenager who doesn't seem motivated to even brush his teeth to the brutal death of one of my favorite cousins to the surgery to break up my ever loving kidney stones (I like to tell people that "my rock band is getting liposuction" lol <--That's happening on Thursday!). I have made a few cards lately, but photographing them hasn't happened. I've been doing it more as a requested job rather than a fun hobby. My mind has just been elsewhere. With that being said, I've made a decision about my blog. No, I'm not going to quit it! I'm just going to change it up! I've been wanting to make things other than cards, so I'm going to start posting all my crafting and baking and computer generated works and other things about my life here. I hope that sounds ok to all of you!
So let me tell you what you'll be seeing next:
I'm working on a Halloween wreath right now and it's soooo cute! I'm hoping to get it finished later this week, since I'll be sitting around for a couple of days healing. I can't wait to post the photographs of the finished product! It's going to be awesome!
Thank you for stopping in today! May the rest of your week be blessed!